30 Challenges to Enlightenment

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30 Challenges to Enlightenment is a self-improvement tool unlike anything you’ve ever seen.

If you’re tired of procrastinating on improving your health, increasing your happiness, and changing your life, this course is for you.

We integrated lessons from psychology, neuroscience, Western philosophy, and Eastern spirituality to create an exciting obstacle course that will unleash your potential.

Picture yourself breaking free of destructive patterns and building new, meaningful habits with a tribe of growth-minded wisdom-seekers.

That’s what this course is all about. It’s designed to teach you how to master your mind and take ownership of your life, while connecting you with others on the same path.

And it works. We spent 25+ combined years testing these practices and ideas, and hundreds of people have written us to share that they've become more fulfilled, disciplined, and aware.

In essence, this is the ultimate self-development adventure, designed to transform you into a stronger, more confident, more enlightened version of yourself.

The course is divided into six quests:


Master your desires, start meditating, clear your mind, start exercising, and develop an
iron will.


Stop procrastinating, get organized, expand your mind, and learn the principles of Zen.


Disconnect from the digital, become mindful, savor nature, and unlock your creativity.


Overcome social anxiety, experience radical honesty,
and become confident.


Let go of your ego, take ownership of your life, build unshakeable gratitude, and cultivate compassion.


Attain a level of awareness and self-mastery reserved for the few.

Your epic self-development adventure is about to begin


900 days of challenges to transform you into a more enlightened version of yourself.


Six epic quests to introduce you to progressively more liberating perspectives.


One legendary journey designed to unearth your potential and elevate you to a High Existence.

Enlighten Yourself

Become serene in the face of obstacles and challenges

○ Gain the equanimity and poise of a long-term meditator

○ Learn to let go of expectation and unnecessary suffering

Increase Happiness

Learn what you truly want to do and actually start doing it

○ Feel better by becoming healthier and more energetic

○ Learn to savor the micro-experiences of your daily life

Kill Procrastination

Stop stalling on your dreams and what is truly important

○ Break destructive habits and build life-affirming habits

Stop being a prisoner of your immediate desires

Free Your Mind

Reduce stress and anxiety by staying grounded in the now

Let go of ego & observe the mind with gentle acceptance

Stop dwelling in the past and fretting about the future

Help Humanity Flourish

Be a better you: build compassion, gratitude, & kindness

○ Develop eco-consciousness by spending time in nature

Become minimalist; value experiences over possessions

Enhance Social Skills

○ Stop caring so much what other people think of you

○ Build deep-rooted self-confidence

Improve relationships with non-violent communication

Gamify Your Existence

○ Transform life into an adventure toward enlightenment

Become a doer; realize that nothing changes until you act

○ Learn to embrace challenges as valuable opportunities

Enlightenment Map

A MASSIVE, VIBRANT 24” x 36” poster, the Enlightenment Map is your best friend on this journey. It's simultaneously a progress chart, habit-formation tool, work of art, and conversation piece.

The most powerful thing about the Enlightenment Map is that it's UNMISSABLE. 99.9% of self-improvement tools are either digital or relatively small and easily hidden. This leads to people ignoring or forgetting about them. You CAN'T ignore or forget about the Enlightenment Map, once it’s on your wall. It serves as a gorgeous, vitalizing reminder of your commitment to self-development, inspiring you to continue to undertake new challenging adventures.


The Enlightenment Guidebook is a 290-PAGE eBook that will take you by the hand and lead you to a more AWAKENED existence. You'll want to keep it close to your heart.

For each challenge, the Guidebook provides LOADS of philosophical perspectives, actionable advice, profound quotes, thought-provoking Reflection Questions, and a breakdown of the purpose of the challenge. At over 40,000 words, the Guidebook is truly dense and comprehensive — the most thorough articulation of the HighExistence philosophy we’ve ever created.

Enlightenment Tribe

Private Facebook Group

The Enlightenment Map and Guidebook are immensely powerful on their own, but we wanted to create an extra mechanism for education and accountability. When you grab the course, you’ll gain access to an exclusive Facebook discussion group for everyone who is undertaking 30 Challenges to Enlightenment. This community will show you that you’re part of something larger and keep you motivated to continue with your quest. It will also provide a space for ongoing learning, enrichment, and connection that can last for the rest of your life.




people have already accepted the challenge. Start today!

30 Challenges to Enlightenment
will help you, regardless
of where you are right now

If You’re a Beginner

30 Challenges to Enlightenment will give you everything you need to start changing your life. It will teach you how to break free of destructive patterns, understand what really makes you tick, and build life-affirming habits that bring joy and meaning into your existence.

Each 30-day challenge will reveal new aspects of reality, giving you new perspectives on what your life can become, and you will say to yourself:

“Holy shit! This is really possible! I can actually do this!”

And then you will take action. With each challenge you’ll build discipline, and the course, tools, and tribe will keep you motivated to redesign your life from the ground up.

If You’re Intermediate

30 Challenges to Enlightenment will help you take things to the next level. You’ll notice subtle mental traps that you never would have seen otherwise and break through your remaining self-limiting beliefs.

You’ll learn to observe your mind with calm acceptance and attain a new level of peace within yourself.

You will eradicate procrastination, eliminate victim thinking, take full ownership of your life, and learn to steer it in the direction you want.

You’ll reach a level of confidence you never thought possible, enabling you to excel in all areas of life.

If You’re Advanced

You will dive deep into non-dual awareness, feel the interconnectedness of all things, and take your self-mastery to uncharted heights.

You will realize that life is a kind of waking dream, see through the matrix of human social dynamics, and use this precious knowledge to liberate yourself.

You will deepen your compassion for all sentient beings, discover the imperceivable way beyond all masks, and develop an unshakeable calm in the face of life’s inevitable fluctuations.

You will pick up on nearly invisible toxic patterns in your beliefs and behavior so you can stop self-sabotaging once and for all.

You will learn to laugh in the face of what is difficult, recognize fear as the greatest illusionist, and view any obstacle as an opportunity to grow.

After Completion

You will go through life lucidly.

You will realize that fundamentally you cannot be separated from the Cosmos, and this realization will infuse you with power and strength.

You will possess the self-mastery to steer your life in a direction that is in alignment with your deep being and values.

You will see life as a precious opportunity to grow, learn, experience, share, and contribute to a better world.

You will accept your reality deeply and let go of much unnecessary suffering.

The world will feel lighter, more playful and abundant.

You will see that because you are alive, everything is possible.

30 Challenges to Enlightenment is backed by scientific research

When we decided to create this course, we wanted to be 100% confident that we had engineered something truly life-altering.

We sifted through hundreds of scientific research papers to incorporate the techniques and practices that have been proven to improve health, elevate mood, increase self-mastery, and accelerate transformation toward an enlightened way of being.

When you experience this course, you will learn how to harness the power of gratitude, which substantial research has repeatedly shown to improve one’s relationships1, life-satisfaction, immune system2,3, and kindness4.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg…

You will undertake adventures that provide you with the anti-depressive effects of exercise5, the creativity enhancements of spending time in nature6, the radical self-love that accompanies acts of kindness7, and the psychological invincibility of practicing self-authoring8.

What is self-authoring?

Self-authoring is the careful writing about troubling or uncertain events, past, present or future, and it produces a variety of wonderful benefits, physiological and psychological. We have layered self-authoring into the course with what we call “Reflection Questions,” as well as multiple writing challenges.

The benefits of self-authoring are hard to believe. Evidence suggests that self-authoring has helped thousands of students increase their academic performance by 25%. It has also been shown to improve people’s long-term psychological health9 and immune system functioning10, increase working memory, and decrease anxiety and depression-related intrusive thoughts11.

Finally, we have mindfulness and meditation woven into nearly every aspect of 30 Challenges to Enlightenment. Meditation in recent years has been one of the central interventions studied in positive psychology literature. The benefits of meditation are extensive, to say the least. Research show that meditation boosts happiness, reduces anxiety stress and anxiety, strengthens the immune system, improves decision making12, slows down neurodegeneration13, boosts creativity14, accelerates learning15, broadens attention span16 and visuospatial memory17, reduces feelings of loneliness18, increases willpower19, increases one’s pain threshold20, and heightens social intelligence, to name a few.

What People Are Saying

" It’s difficult to put into words what this challenge has done for me. I truly feel that the universe started aligning when I jumped onto this journey to enlightenment. I am forever grateful for this community and the creators of this brilliant challenge. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”


" Beyond the powerful challenges, the Guidebook is something truly special. The amount of time, thought, and passion that went into it are plain to see; it’s a real piece of art in itself, by turns insightful, provocative, and illuminating. It could easily be the best book I’ve read this year (and I read a LOT)."

Jon Waterlow, Ph.D.

" I am confident that I have found the ideal roadmap. I gladly meditate every day. I regularly go to the gym. My home and my mind are more orderly. And, miracle of miracle, I am eliminating my procrastination habit. I am so grateful that I found the course, it is a powerful tool."


Become Who You Truly Are

Carl Jung once wrote, “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

We created 30 Challenges to Enlightenment to help you do this.

To become the strongest, wisest, and most honest expression of yourself.

As you know...

Taking action is hard and scary.

It’s much easier to cling to what you know, to what is stable and comfortable.

And yet, on some level, you realize that the treasure you seek cannot be found in your familiar routine.

You’re reading this because you want something more: Adventure. Authenticity. Confidence. Purpose. Enlightenment.

Whatever it is you’re seeking, your well-worn patterns can’t get you there. They can only bring more of the same.

And that’s why we created this epic course: to break you out of your old patterns—to give you room to become a stronger, wiser, more heroic version of yourself.

One of the most powerful aspects of this course is that it is divided into six unique quests, which are based on the stages of enlightenment described in the Zen tradition.

The quests form a natural progression toward self-actualization and spiritual realization, providing meaningful direction to your journey.

This is just one element which sets it apart from everything else out there.

Each quest provides another stepping stone to increasingly liberating perspectives, greater awareness, and more enlightened states of being. Our aim was to create a kind of “PhD in self-development.”

Nietzsche's Gymnastics of the Will

The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche understood the usefulness of challenges as well as anyone, and he was one of our great inspirations in building this course.

Nietzsche recognized that in order to become stronger and wiser, it was necessary to overcome yourself—to leave behind your established ways and paradigms.

Nietzsche thought we should engage in perpetual self-conquering, regularly transcending our current conditioning to become something more.

In pursuit of this end, he developed the idea of a “gymnastics of the will”—a practice of undertaking temporary experiments of willpower, with the intention of strengthening, mastering, refining, and deepening our being.

Friedrich Nietzsche understood that our conditioning runs deep. Even if you admit that you want to change your life, it’s damn difficult to override your habitual programming.

The solution to this problem, for Nietzsche, was to regularly attempt a variety of life experiments—experiments that would push one to act contrary to one’s conditioning.

If we could just make a habit of attempting life-transforming challenges, Nietzsche thought we would unearth our own greatness, that which lies beneath our conditioning, and become resilient masters of life.

However, we’ll let you in on a sad secret:

Most of you won’t accept the challenge.

Even though you perceive this grand opportunity, most of you will find an excuse. And you will find reasons to believe this excuse.

As Nietzsche proclaimed, self-mastery and greatness are reserved for the very few.

Most are destined to spend their lives doing what is easy, procrastinating on what they truly desire.


Some of you are different.

Some embrace what is difficult.

The rarest of souls delight in challenging their limitations and becoming doers, not mere dreamers.

And they are rewarded. They unearth the hidden jewels of human existence.

Are you such a person?

Will you accept the challenge?

Walk in the Footsteps of Giants...

“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. What if they are a little coarse and you may get your coat soiled or torn? What if you do fail, and get fairly rolled in the dirt once or twice? Up again, you shall never be so afraid of a tumble.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The most intelligent men, like the strongest, find their happiness where others would find only disaster: in the labyrinth... their delight is in self-mastery... They regard a difficult task as a privilege; it is to them a recreation to play with burdens that would crush all others.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

"It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure. The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for."

Joseph Campbell

What People Are Saying

" I wanted this course to kick me out of my comfort zone and help me to stay dedicated. It does that exactly. I have experienced a big breakthrough, a lot of insights. I could not have gotten as far as I have without the support of the group."


" I have learned things that will stick with me for the rest of my life. It has been amazing to connect with others… As a 22-year-old isolated from anybody interested in growth, this has been an essential outlet for me.”


" These challenges have been very inspiring and helpful in my journey to an amazing life. The small investment that I made was worth it 100 times more. Very happy."


" The 30 Challenges to Enlightenment have been a real quest so far. I've grown enormously in these few days and can't wait to surmount all the challenges that are still ahead of me.”


" The course more than lives up to its promise. If you are willing to face yourself and do what needs to be done to improve your life, then I mean it when I say do not settle for anything less."


Frequently Asked Questions

While we recommend you purchase the full course as outlined on this page, we also offer a digital-only version for $77. This includes everything you need to complete the course but without any physical items sent to your address. The digital course includes:

1) Digital Challenge Map

2) 280-page Enlightenment Guidebook PDF

3) Access to the Private Enlightenment Tribe Forum

If this is something that you would like to purchase, send an email to store@highexistence.com and we will expain the simple next steps.

Note that discounts do not apply.

No. What we’re selling is a structured self-development program and a set of habit-formation tools to help you follow through on your desire to become a stronger, happier, more enlightened version of yourself.

When you buy the course, you’re not buying a state of being, though the course will help you move toward a more liberated state. What you are buying is the physical and digital Enlightenment Map, the 290-page Enlightenment Guidebook eBook, and access to the private Enlightenment Tribe Facebook group, which includes exclusive advice from the HighExistence team.

We poured over a thousand hours into creating 30 Challenges to Enlightenment. This course is the culmination of many months of dedicated effort and our team’s 25+ combined years of research in self-development, spirituality, science, and philosophy.

In the final analysis, enlightenment is free. Changing your life is free too. But doing the work is damn difficult. Most never do it. And that’s why 30 Challenges to Enlightenment is invaluable: It teaches you why the work is worth it and pushes you to really do it.

If you feel good about the work you’re already doing to improve your life, that’s great. This course may not be for you. But if you need an extra kick in the ass, if you want to turn your self-development into an adventure and connect with other aspiring sages, we made this course for you.

Yes, you do. In making this course, we set out to answer the question, “How can someone progress toward enlightenment without pausing their life to go live in a monastery?” We wanted to build something that the busiest of people could fit comfortably into their routine.

Most of the challenges take 30 minutes or less per day. Some don’t take any extra time at all. In fact, one could argue that doing the challenges will save you time by helping you to cut out distractions, cultivate concentration, and eliminate procrastination from your life.

“I’ll do that tomorrow” is a disease afflicting many people in the world. “Tomorrow” becomes “next week,” “next month,” “next year,” and finally, “never.”

The perfect time to do something does not exist. Some aspect of your life will always be in chaos, giving you a readymade excuse to keep procrastinating. The truth is that how you feel now is probably how you’re going to feel in a month. Waiting for inspiration or motivation to strike is putting the cart before the horse. Attitude follows action, not the other way around.

As time passes, your current habits will become ingrained and exponentially more difficult to change. The sooner you start breaking your toxic habits and building healthy, life-affirming habits, the better your chances of living a truly fulfilling life.

Remember: Ultimately, the NOW is all you ever have. By that we mean that the only moment in which you have any power to act or change your life is the PRESENT moment. If you don’t start changing in the NOW, then you never will.

No, not at all. There is no way to fail this course, unless you don’t really try at all. You can start and stop whenever you like. You can pick and choose the challenges that seem most appealing and beneficial to you. You can put the whole course down for months or years and pick it up again later. Do what feels right.

You can treat the course as an obstacle course of the will or as a laid-back choose-your-own-adventure game. Above all, it is an experiment meant to push you to learn, grow, and become more aware. While we have attempted to create a comprehensive course to guide you toward enlightenment, we also appreciate that there is not one single path to illumination and self-actualization.

Thus, adapt this course to make it work FOR YOU. It is meant to be a set of tools, not a dictator or a guilt-trip machine. Every single challenge has major benefits. We honestly believe your investment will pay off after just one or two challenges. The whole point is to do something to become wiser and stronger. If you attempt even one challenge, you win.

Finishing the course is not the ultimate goal, because if the course does its job, it is never finished: it has simply been integrated as a lifelong thirst for learning, growth, awareness, intelligence, wisdom, and strength. "Be not afraid of growing slowly; be only afraid of standing still," as the Chinese proverb says.

The Enlightenment Map: An UNMISSABLE 24" x 36" poster, so you'll never forget your commitment to growth. It's simultaneously a progress chart, habit-formation tool, challenge list, work of art, and conversation piece. We'll also immediately send you a digital Enlightenment Map when you buy the course, so you can get started and chart your progress immediately.

The Enlightenment Guidebook: An ILLUMINATING 290-page eBook — essentially the course textbook and a standalone HighExistence manifesto. For each challenge, the Guidebook provides profound quotes, philosophical perspectives, actionable advice, thought-provoking Reflection Questions, and insights on the purpose of the challenge.

The Enlightenment Tribe: Access to an exclusive Facebook COMMUNITY in which to get personalized advice, find inspiration, discuss progress, ask questions, and connect with like-minded individuals and the HighExistence team. This community will show you that you’re part of something larger and keep you motivated to continue with your quest.

This course is the culmination of our team’s combined 25+ years of research in self-development, spirituality, science, and philosophy. We spent 9 months engineering the course from start to finish, and it’s honestly unlike any self-improvement tool you’ve ever seen.

30 Challenges to Enlightenment is the ultimate life experiment. It’s an Odyssey of self-actualization. It’s a toolkit for disrupting your default state and claiming a High Existence. It’s the Hero’s Journey toward mental, emotional, and spiritual liberation.

This course will help you overcome destructive habits, deepen self-understanding, defeat procrastination, and become a more authentic version of yourself. It will help you liberate your mind, develop self-mastery, gain confidence, and discover joy.

With 900 days of challenges, this is a course that can benefit you for years to come. It’s flexible and customizable, meaning you can treat it as an obstacle course of the will or a fun, laidback choose-your-own-adventure game. However you want to use it, it will help you grow into a stronger, wiser, more enlightened version of yourself.

As far as we know, no one has ever created a self-development obstacle course that remotely resembles 30 Challenges to Enlightenment. With quests based on the stages of enlightenment in the Zen tradition and a philosophical framework based on Nietzsche’s “gymnastics of the will,” this is truly a one-of-a-kind course.

The largest issue with other challenges relates to motivation and accountability. Individuals feel good thinking they're going to do a challenge, but they don't follow through. With 30 Challenges to Enlightenment, we've solved this problem by integrating multiple mechanisms to keep you motivated and accountable:

The IMPOSSIBLE-TO-MISS Enlightenment Map, when it's on your wall, will serve as a vibrant, unforgettable reminder of your commitment. The Enlightenment Map also incorporates the Don't Break the Chain method of habit-development to keep you pushing onwards. The Enlightenment Tribe will hold you accountable and keep you inspired through the power of community. Finally, multiple challenges within the course itself focus specifically on how to overcome emotional resistance and follow through with your commitments.

We designed this course to be profoundly simple to use. Here's how the components fit together:

The Enlightenment Map: For every challenge and quest, you will use the Enlightenment Map to chart your progress, checking off each day of every challenge and each phase of every quest.

The Enlightenment Guidebook: The Enlightenment Guidebook gives you an introduction to the whole course and provides in-depth sections on every quest and challenge. Before beginning any challenge or quest, simply read the corresponding section in the Enlightenment Guidebook, and you'll know precisely what to do.

The Enlightenment Tribe: The Enlightenment Tribe Facebook group allows you to ask any questions, discuss progress, stay motivated, and connect with like-minded people undertaking the same epic life experiment.

That's it. We told you it was easy. If anything is unclear, the Enlightenment Guidebook provides more in-depth instructions on exactly how we recommend using the course.

To clarify, we are not promising that this course will definitely turn you into the Buddha or some other mythical being, liberated from all fear and suffering, floating on a cloud of perpetual bliss.

"Enlightenment," in the most general sense, simply means a state of greater knowledge, wisdom, awareness, or understanding. First and foremost, this is what we mean by "enlightenment." This is what we guarantee.

In addition, however, we also maintain that what has traditionally been called "enlightenment" in the Buddhist tradition (among others) is a real and attainable shift in consciousness—a liberation from much unnecessary suffering which results from a deep recognition of ambiguity and a relinquishing of attachments, preferences, desires, and expectations. The course will indeed help you let go of internal burdens and progress toward this ideal as well.

It's also true that some individuals will be less interested in pursuing spiritual enlightenment through our course and will be more interested in building discipline, willpower, healthy habits, and other indispensable character attributes. This is the beauty of this course: it's flexible and customizable and can be applied as a bridge to a wide variety of worthwhile destinations.

"Enlightenment" is a notoriously ambiguous term, and we ultimately encourage users of this course to determine for themselves what enlightenment looks like for them. No two paths are alike. No two forms of enlightenment are alike. You must find your own. We believe our course can help you do that.

30-day challenges disrupt your ingrained patterns, opening up a space in which real, fundamental changes can occur.

They prompt you to take a step back, see your behavior in a new light, and gain self-understanding. They allow you to notice the triggers and mind-states that lead you to indulge in self-sabotaging behavior. They let you try on new patterns of behavior for a while to find out which habits really resonate with your being and enrich your life.

They teach you how to set firm intentions and then follow through with your intentions—an indispensable skill in accomplishing anything. Jocko Willink likes to say that “discipline equals freedom,” and he’s right. Discipline gives us the power to choose. Without it, we’re slaves to our impulses. With every 30-day challenge, discipline—and therefore freedom—increases.

The 30-day time frame also seems to be ideal (or close to it) for a couple reasons: for one, it’s extremely approachable and manageable. 30 days is not that long, and most people tend to feel like they can do anything for just 30 days.

And thankfully, studies have suggested it takes a minimum of just 18 days to form a new habit (though it can also take a lot longer). So, after 30 days, there’s a good chance your healthy new behaviors will stick, if you want them to. And if they don’t, you can simply decide to repeat the challenge until they do. We also recommend setting a firm intention near the end of a challenge for how you want to integrate that challenge’s lessons moving forward.

Absolutely. You'll immediately be sent everything you need to get started with the course.

Depending where you are in the world, your physical Enlightenment Map won't arrive for 1-4 weeks or so, but that's not a problem. Why? We'll instantly send you a digital .PDF version of the Enlightenment map (on which you can start charting your progress), the Enlightenment Guidebook eBook, and an invitation to the exclusive Enlightenment Tribe. You'll have all the tools you need to dive in straight away.

You might think, "I can view all the challenges on this page. Why wouldn't I just do them?"

There are several important reasons why it is unwise to do this. For one, the Enlightenment Map contains only an extremely abridged version of each challenge. The Enlightenment Guidebook contains much more crucial instruction, perspective, and insight for each challenge. Some of the challenges are, in fact, potentially unsafe to do without thoroughly reading the corresponding challenge instructions in the Guidebook.

Furthermore, it is essential to understand that you are far, far more likely to actually complete this quest and reap its benefits when you buy the course. As we've explained elsewhere in this FAQ, the full-sized Enlightenment Map, Enlightenment Guidebook, and Enlightenment Tribe form a powerful toolkit to keep you motivated and accountable, while also enriching your experience with in-depth education and community support. Don't underestimate how vital these components will be to your success.

There's also something to be said for the motivational force of actually paying for something. When you invest real money into this course, you will value it more highly and will be much more likely to take it seriously.

Ultimately, the full course package is designed to equip you with the power-ups you'll need to traverse this labyrinth and realize a High Existence. Discard these power-ups at your own risk.

Yes, we deliver internationally. For international orders, our products should arrive at your doorstep 2-4 weeks after your purchase.

Note: For orders outside the US and Canada, we use a different poster vendor. If you don't live in the US or Canada, your Enlightenment Map will be slightly smaller than standard (23.4" x 33.1" instead of 24" x 36") and will have a thin white border. The couple-inch difference in size is unnoticeable, and the Map will be no less effective, striking, and beautiful.

Yes, we do! Because we believe so strongly in our course, we'll even let you keep the physical Enlightenment Map if you choose to get a refund. Just email us at store@highexistence.com within 30 days of purchase if you're not satisfied, and we'll send your money back to you.

A word of caution: We believe that if you commit and engage with our course, you'll quickly begin to feel the results. One risk of offering a Money Back Guarantee is that it gives people a way to back out of the course before they actually dig in, take action, and do some of the challenges. We urge you to sincerely engage and not to let this happen to you. You'll have everything you need to start the course immediately after purchasing.

If you really decide the course isn't right for you, we do understand. And we're happy to take a financial loss by letting you keep the physical Enlightenment Map, in hopes that you will one day start a challenge, no matter how small, and make your world a better place.

Full Disclosure: To fully benefit from 30 Challenges to Enlightenment, you MUST to be willing to GROW.

If you really want to grow, you have to commit — right now, you have to take a stand.

Take a stand against comfort, mediocrity, and an “average” life.

Take a stand against that lame version of yourself that doesn’t have the courage to face fear, break through, and reach new horizons.

Take a stand against a lifestyle that doesn’t make you excited to wake up every morning, and doesn’t leave you feeling fulfilled when you go to sleep at night.

At first, this might sound like wishful thinking, but we’re dead serious.

This is your life

This is your experience...

This is your future

So, ask yourself:

“What do I want?”

Seriously, stop reading this page for a moment, sit back and ask yourself...

“What do I really want?”

If your answer is:

“I want a nice house… I want a nice car… I want to be popular... I want a hot partner…”

You need to dig deeper… and as you dig deeper, you begin to ask yourself...

“What do I really want?”

As much as you have conditioned yourself to “want” all of the things you’re “supposed” to want… what you really want is much more:

You want to feel confident as a human being.

You want to feel connected to something larger than yourself.

You want to be respected by those around you.

You want to do things that feel meaningful.

You want to be at the cause of your life… and not at the effect.

The truth is:

You can’t go to the store and buy confidence… or meaning…

You can’t get it delivered to your front door…

You have to earn it.

30 Challenges to Enlightenment will teach you how to take control of your life, guide it in the direction that you want it to go, and give you the power to stand tall as the creator of your own destiny — that is extremely powerful.

But it can’t do the work for you. You have to dig deep and make it happen.

And when you do, you’ll find that 30 Challenges to Enlightenment is life-changing.

That’s not just a buzzword, it’s a promise.


People are not defined by their words, or their thoughts — they’re defined by their actions.

What you do in the next hour… the next day… the next month…

What you do will define the rest of your life.

The person you become depends on the choices you make right now: you create your own future.

There is one version of you where you choose to move forward on your own… stumbling along and learning as you go.

There is another version of you where you choose to take 30 Challenges to Enlightenment, and take advantage of the ground-breaking set of tools that’s right in front of you.

The version of you that wakes up tomorrow morning — that version is up to you.

You decide.